Particularly one that you personally would like to post/comment in on a regular basis

    205 months ago

    It doesn’t work that way, sadly. Successful niche communities split off from bigger ones after there is enough shared interest to make the split necessary. Creating a new empty community from nowhere will likely result in its staying empty. That is the state of many niche communities we already have.

      165 months ago

      Everybody is obsessed with with copying Reddit here.

      Nobody wants to put in the work to build it organically like Reddit was, they just want to press a button and have a bot “seed” content until poof! There’s a community!

      It just doesn’t, and won’t ever, work that way.

      • Brewchin
        35 months ago

        I don’t necessarily disagree, but Reddit wasn’t all OC at the start, either.

        I guess now there are so many social media sites now that some people spend all their time, to paraphrase Cory Doctorow, cross-posting between 5 sites for Internet points or to build a following. It sucks, but plugging away posting OC will build it up over time.